
Words of Wisdom

In life, we have to choose between the jeans and the cookie jar. Liz Hurley chose the jeans and I chose the cookie jar

~ Nigella Lawson....(on women's body image and her own voluptuous body)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Was that a prophecy?

Came to the office today just to be greeted by the news that a very important member of my Section is resigning today because she has to register for a training course before being inducted into employment by the government.

Oh dear. I just casually mentioned in my previous entry about resignation. "Anyone"? It must be a written prophecy then. So, in effect, I'm losing THREE members this month. This is INSANE!

Why can't the management see this? The Section will be left with only 3 veteran members and an Operator under training. Our clerk has been sort of out of the group when the other clerk left last year. Therefore, I can't really call her our Engineering group clerk anymore.

Must be a prophecy, huh?

BTW, our fallen foremer Manager called alst Friday saying he's opening a food stall in front of his home. He told me that the company was willing to pay him some money before his resignation last week courtesy of the Managing Director in return for his long service. Not much in his opinion but good enough for me as he was able to have a pretty decent capital for a simple food stall.

So, what's MY prophecy then? For me?

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