The thought actually crossed my mind yesterday as I was cramming my workload at 8am in the morning before going for a Quality System training at 9am. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to finish it and added to that, I have many other assignments piling up due to lack of manpower, I began to surrender to the fate I had managed to avoid in my 8+yrs here.
Since the HR barred me from claiming OT on weekdays, I have no choice but to go for the shift hours in order to be 'compensated' for the extra hours I unwillingly had to put in daily in order to finish my workload.
Hey, I might as well find a way to get the company to pay me for that!
My new motto:
Work for the MONEY, honey!
Goodbye to freedom.
Goodbye to leisurely 'walk' at the shopping malls after work.
Goodbye to giving sorry excuses for turning up late for work coz they'll cut your shift hours payment if you do so.
Hello to having to shower at 9pm in the evening.
Hello to going to bed by 11.15pm the latest so I wouldn't wake up late and lethargic the next day.
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